For nearly 7 years we have provided our clients with expert Google AdWords campaign setup and optimization services. Today we’re proud to announce that we are now a Google AdWords Certified Partner. This designation reaffirms the excellence of the work that we have provided for numerous advertisers over the years.
Google AdWords is an online marketing platform that allows advertisers to buy ads on Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, and numerous other internet properties. With a reach of 80% of all global internet users, AdWords can be a powerful tool to deliver the right message to the right people at the lowest possible cost.
While some advertisers choose to manage their own AdWords accounts, professional management can allow your campaign to take advantage of AdWords’ powerful advanced features, and can dramatically increase your AdWords ROI. Let us show you how much more effective your campaigns could be.
For a limited time only, we are offering a free campaign analysis to new AdWords clients.
Contact us for more information.